Xbomber is a version of the classical "bomberman" game, an hilariously fun multiplayer game! Up to four players control their character around a single screen of obstacles, trying to destroy each other with bombs. xbomber-2 is just xbomber by Bill Kendrick to which I wrote some extensions and modifcations to make it more fun (at least IMO). See http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/xbomber/ for the original. Here's what's new in xbomber2: - Diagonal bombs - limited number of times you can kick (5 for each kicker found) - When invisible, you see yourself as grey. - Weighted probabilities for upgrade types. - removed totalfire - removed 'death' - Lots of parameter fine-tuning, after playing a lot. - ... (can't remember) Some things don't work with xbomber2: - The full-color graphics. -- Wim Livens [wim at livens dot net] http://wim.livens.net/